Board meetings
Business Transformation

Buyer’s Guide to Board Portals: Making boards of directors and committees work more efficiently

A board portal is designed to holistically improve meeting management. Our buyer’s guide shows which criteria play a central role and everything that needs to be considered. It also answers important questions.

Tobias Kortas
Tobias Kortas

A board portal should holistically improve meeting management. This buyer’s guide shows which criteria play a central role in this purchasing decision and what needs to be considered along the way. It also answers a number of important questions.

Solving challenges is a task that is incumbent on boards of directors and board committees. Their functions require keeping a keen eye on the work of the management as well as supporting the respective company in the best possible way. This work is demanding and requires a high degree of focus — but above all, an efficient supply of information, excellent consultation, and good decision-making.

Overall, the work of committees has become more complex. Diffuse information situations, geopolitical crises, and further-advancing digitalisation makes this work increasingly difficult. As a result, it requires an excellent overview, ample clarity, and optimised communication to be successful as a board member in today's world.

Efficiency makes a real difference to a board in limited time. To achieve this, digital transformation should be implemented clearly and should go beyond the conversion of analogue processes — such as the use of paper — to digital platforms. Truly useful and purposeful software enhances the quality of collaboration as a whole.


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Board portal: Clear, goal-oriented support counts

To make a difference and achieve real results, the support of a board portal is highly valuable. Ideally, dedicated meeting management leads to excellent meeting preparation, clearly derived decision-making, and goal-oriented, successful collaboration. Efficiency is increased through an agenda with clear objectives, better-utilised meeting time, and optimised follow-up. The benefits are many and varied, ranging from digitalisation and security aspects to better decisions and enhanced results.
An adequate selection is therefore a crucial task in order for a board to optimise its own work in a goal-oriented way. Here is an overview of some key criteria for a board portal :

  • Effective meeting management
  • Enhanced security and compliance
  • Well-designed and appropriate functionality
  • Flexibility, and 
  • Reputation and service of the vendor. 

On the functional side, the individual features should clearly support meeting efficiency — and, in the aggregate, optimise the entire process, including:

  1. Enabling a goal-oriented agenda
  2. Improving and facilitating effective preparation
  3. Ensuring an overview of all relevant information
  4. Ensuring results through optimised minute-taking, and 
  5. Providing a record of decisions and clearly assigning tasks. 


Buyer’s guide: The path to the ideal board portal

The right software results in accelerated and simplified meeting management that not only saves valuable time, but also brings all participants closer to the defined goals.

This buyer’s guide is designed to support your selection of a board portal. It highlights the important criteria and relevant aspects, answers the necessary questions, and provides a clear overview of features and benefits. We also take a closer look at the highlights of our software — Sherpany.

Download our guide for boards of directors and board committees to gain valuable insights, to better-define your own priorities, and to make an informed purchasing decision.

Tobias Kortas
Tobias Kortas
About the author
Tobias is an experienced writer who loves creating valuable content. His journalistic background allows him a deep focus on topics such as meeting management, digital transformation and agile leadership.


