Executive Meetings

How to diagnose meeting madness in your organisation

Meeting madness is a mix of excessive and ineffective meetings with serious consequences. What can leaders do to overcome meeting madness? Download the white paper to find out.

Business woman pointing and explaining a document during a business meeting

Meetings are fundamental for the success of an organisation and are the most frequently used management instrument. Yet, have you ever felt that you spend too much time in meetings? That meetings keep you from completing your own work? And that the meetings you attend could be more productive?

Meeting madness is a mix of excessive and ineffective meetings with serious consequences. Estimates put the price of poorly-organised meetings at 65 Billion Euros in Germany alone. Unproductive meetings also lead to slower decision-making processes and decreased job satisfaction. Nevertheless, only a few organisations deliberately measure the effectiveness of their meetings and actively fight meeting madness. 


What can leaders do to overcome meeting madness?

Diagnosing the extent to which an organisation suffers from meeting madness is a key factor in driving change towards a more productive meeting culture. This white paper finds answers to the following questions:

  • What are the causes, symptoms, and consequences of meeting madness?
  • Which obstacles prevent leaders from taking actions towards more productive meeting management?
  • How can leaders diagnose meeting madness in their organisation?
  • Which processes and practices can leaders implement to gradually improve their meeting culture?